Fitzgerald Student Receives Award of Distinction in Stafford School of Business at ABAC

Wednesday, May 27th, 2020

Jennifer Pardo from Fitzgerald has been selected as the top student in the Stafford School of Business at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College.  Dr. Renata Elad, Dean of the Stafford School of Business, said Pardo will receive the Award of Distinction.

Pardo is majoring in ABAC’s bachelor’s degree in Business.  She has compiled a 3.80 grade point average on a 4.0 scale.  Her aspiration is to work for the Georgia Chamber of Commerce.

Bilingual in Spanish and English, Pardo has been selected for the Dean’s List and as a Superior Honor Student.  She has also served as the treasurer for the Cultura Latina Club.

Pardo has worked as the Head Community Assistant in the ABAC housing complex and as an intern with the Human Resources Department at the Tift Regional Health System.

“As her faculty advisor and classroom instructor, I was impressed by Jennifer 's excitement about learning and career development,” Dr. Franzelle Mathis-Pertilla, Assistant Professor of Business, said.  “She excelled in the classroom and made valuable industry connections over the course of her educational experiences.  Jennifer is a resilient person. I expect that she will continue to soar in her chosen profession." 

"Jennifer is hard working and has been extremely successful during her time in the Stafford School of Business,” Jennifer Reid, a lecturer in the Stafford School of Business, said.  “She has a great personality that draws people to her, and she is always willing to help her classmates. She has an intrinsic drive to do well.”

Elad said Pardo would have been honored at the annual ABAC Honors Day but the ceremony was cancelled due to the pandemic.