SRTC Students Team Up With PCOM South Georgia Students

Staff Report From Tifton CEO

Thursday, October 17th, 2019

Moultrie's LPN-RN Bridge class recently attended an Interprofessional Education (IPE) session at PCOM South Georgia. PCOM's IPE classes provide Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) students with opportunities to work as a team alongside students from other programs, investigating issues and developing treatment plans that put the patient first. The team approach is designed to minimize miscommunications and maximize effectiveness of patient care.

SRTC’s nursing students said, "We enjoyed our collaboration with the DO students. It is great to see PCOM utilizing the nursing students at SRTC to help their students consider patient care from other professions' perspectives. The instructors and students were warm and welcoming and most importantly, they were open to our feedback."

The nurses said they are all interested in attending future events. They are particularly excited about the possibility of participating in an upcoming patient care simulation in conjunction with the PCOM students and other professions in PCOM South Georgia’s state-of-the-art Simulation Center.