Baldwin Players Auditions at ABAC on August 25th

Staff Report

Monday, August 24th, 2020

Student actors and actresses at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College will take on the radio suspense/mystery shows of the 1940s during the planned Reader’s Theatre production on video for the 2020 fall semester.

Dr. Brian Ray, Professor of English and Theatre and the Baldwin Players Director, said auditions will be held on Aug. 25 in two different ways. Prospective cast members can submit a self-video of a reading of eight to 10 sentences in a “suspenseful” or “mysterious” manner or schedule an audition in person from 6:30-8 p.m. on Aug. 25 in Room 322 of Conger Hall on the ABAC campus. Videos must reach Ray by noon on Aug. 25 at [email protected].

“Rehearsals will take place in September, and video will be the second weekend in October,” Ray said. “Masks are required for in-person auditions, and social distancing will be enforced. We expect to cast two or three men and two or three women for the production.”

Ray said auditions are open to all ABAC students, faculty, staff, and community members. Interested persons can contact him at [email protected] for more information.