SRTC Representatives Appointed To Georgia Board of Nursing
Tuesday, October 6th, 2020
In a pair of recent Executive Orders issued by Governor Brian Kemp, two Southern Regional Technical College (SRTC) representatives were appointed to the Georgia Board of Nursing. The Honorable Roger Jerome Pierce, Jr., of Grady County, Georgia was appointed to serve as a member of the Georgia Board of Nursing, for a term of office ending September 16, 2023. Pierce is a graduate of the Practical Nursing at SRTC, and has served as an adjuct nursing instructor for SRTC. The Honorable Tammy Bryant of Thomas County, Georgia was reappointed to serve as a member of the Georgia Board of Nursing, for a term of office ending September 16, 2023. Bryant currently serves as the Vice President of the Georgia Board of Nursing. She is the Program Chair for the Associaite of Science in Nursing degree program at SRTC.
The Georgia Board of Nursing exists to protect, promote, and preserve the public health, safety, and welfare through legislative regulation and control of practical nursing and registered professional education and practice. Today, the Georgia Board of Nursing consists of eight (8) members, 7 registered professional nurses and one consumer member who is not a registered professional nurse, appointed by the Governor and is responsible for the regulation of registered professional nurses and advanced practice registered nurses. As part of their responsibilities, board members develop rules and regulations that set the standards for nursing practice and education, set the qualifications for licensure, and ensure that the disciplinary process is implemented in a fashion that guarantees due process and public protection.
For the full list of Governor Kemp’s Executive Orders, click here.