Student Applications for ABAC Ambassadors Now Open for 2022-23 Academic Year

Staff Report

Friday, July 8th, 2022

Students can now compete for a spot in one of the most prestigious organizations on the Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College campus, the ABAC Ambassadors.

Ambassadors’ advisor Sunny Ross Sparrow said the application process is vigorous, and only the best qualified and motivated students are selected to represent ABAC.

“The students selected exemplify superior leadership qualities and interpersonal skills that cultivate positivity between ABAC’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and the community,” Sparrow said.

The Ambassadors represent ABAC by conducting campus tours, being the face of ABAC for new students, and assisting in events such as Stallion Day, Homecoming, Honors Day, commencement, and An Evening for ABAC.

Sparrow, the Assistant Director for Admissions, and Trent Hester, Leadership and Engagement Coordinator, are the new advisors for the upcoming year.

“We are very excited to take on this role to work with some of the best ABAC students,” Sparrow said. “We have a great group of returning students who will set the example, train, and mentor the new Ambassadors.”

“We are looking for students who love ABAC and want to share their love with potential students and their families. Students interested in applying to be an Ambassador must hold themselves to a higher standard as these students will represent ABAC, be called upon by the President, attend formal events, and so much more.”

Ambassadors must maintain a 2.5 GPA and have Monday at 4 p.m. available for weekly meetings throughout the semester. Students of all majors, interests, and backgrounds are encouraged to apply.

Ambassadors must attend ABAC for consecutive fall and spring terms and contribute a minimum of 35 hours each semester to their Ambassador duties. The application deadline for the 2022-23 academic year is Aug. 19 at 3 p.m. Ambassador applications are available on the ABAC website at

In addition to the online application, students must submit two letters of recommendation to the Office of Enrollment Management. Recommendation letters can be submitted by email to [email protected], by mail to 2802 Moore Hwy, ABAC 4, Tifton, Ga., 31793, or by hand delivery to the Admissions Office on the first floor of Herring Hall.

Once applications are submitted, applicants must attend a mandatory drop-in social on Aug. 22, from 4–5 p.m. in Tift Hall, allowing applicants to meet college officials, the advisors, and the current Ambassadors.

During the social, prospective Ambassadors will also sign up for individual interviews, which will take place on Aug. 23. Students selected as Ambassadors are required to attend a mandatory weekend retreat on Aug. 26-28. Applicants must be prepared to make these commitments before submitting their applications.

Questions regarding requirements or the application process should be directed to Sparrow at [email protected] or 229.391.5018