Lineworkers Honored at Georgia State Capitol for Hurricane Helene Response

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, March 12th, 2025

State elected officials with dozens of lineworkers from Georgia Power and other electric providers to mark Georgia Linemen Day on March 11, 2025. The day was declared by the Georgia legislature to acknowledge lineworkers for their sacrifices during Hurricane Helene – which was the most destructive storm in Georgia Power’s more than 140-year history.

Georgia Power today joined state lawmakers for a special event at the Georgia State Capitol alongside dozens of lineworkers, representatives from the state's electric membership corporations (EMCs) and municipal electric providers.  During the event, Senator John Kennedy read and signed Senate Resolution 253, recognizing March 11, 2025 as Georgia Linemen Day, acknowledging lineworkers for their sacrifices during Hurricane Helene – which was the most destructive storm in Georgia Power’s more than 140-year history.

Senate Resolution 253 (available in full here) highlights that “Hurricane Helene was a devastating hurricane that ravaged multiple areas of Georgia” and that “linemen were on the front lines, sometimes working up to 18-hour days in hazardous conditions to restore power to thousands of residents in the wake of widespread outages caused by downed power lines and infrastructure damage.” 

Additionally, “Georgia's linemen continue to be instrumental in maintaining the state's electrical infrastructure and responding to emergencies, including hurricanes and severe storms, ensuring that Georgia's communities remain resilient in the face of natural disasters” and “our linemen's dedication to service exemplifies the values of hard work, teamwork, and selflessness, making them unsung heroes during times of crisis.” 

"A lineworker's job is never done, and today we’re honored to join with Senator Kennedy and state leaders to celebrate the unwavering commitment and sacrifice of all the lineworkers across the state who diligently serve us each and every day," said Kim Greene, chairman, president and CEO of Georgia Power. “The response to Hurricane Helene was truly a time when every Georgian came together and we rose to the challenge as a state at every level. We appreciate the continued leadership and support of our state’s elected officials for our teams in the field, who are truly heroes who stand ready to respond no matter what. They are always here for Georgia.” 

Today’s event and declaration precedes the annual Lineworker Appreciation Month, which has been marked every April for more than a decade by utilities across the country as a time to recognize and celebrate the thousands of lineworkers who work around the clock to keep the lights on for electric customers. This April, Georgia Power lineworkers from crews across the state, including Metro Atlanta, Vidalia and North Georgia, will “take over” the company’s social media channels. Customers and neighbors are invited to follow along on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn throughout April for a look inside the lives of lineworkers and hear their stories from Hurricane Helene.   

To learn more about Georgia Power’s response to Hurricane Helene, visit