About goBeyondProfit
Authored 121 articles.
New Georgia Corporate Generosity Tracker unveiled by goBeyondProfit
Features, August 27, 2020
Georgia businesses now have a robust source to learn how peer companies support their communities and positively impact the lives of their employees and customers.
goBeyondProfit Event Recap Offers Tactics & Surprising Shifts Needed for Executive Communications
News, August 10, 2020
Registration Open for goBeyondProfit Forum: Creating a New Playbook for Leadership Communications
Features, July 23, 2020
Georgia’s goBeyondProfit alliance will host a CEO-level Expert Forum, “Creating a New Playbook for Leadership Communications” via Zoom at 1 p.m. on July 28th.
Registration Open for goBeyondProfit Forum: Creating a New Playbook for Leadership Communications
Features, July 16, 2020
Georgia’s goBeyondProfit alliance will host a CEO-level Expert Forum, “Creating a New Playbook for Leadership Communications” via Zoom at 1 p.m. on July 28, 2020.
June Poll Shows Georgia Employee Trust and Loyalty Increased by Businesses’ Pandemic Response; Employees Report Heightened Productivity but Specific Concerns, Wishes for Recovery
Features, June 23, 2020
A goBeyondProfit survey conducted earlier this month among working Georgians shows businesses’ pandemic response has increased their employees’ trust and loyalty. Respondents reported work productivity higher than before the pandemic and indicated better-than-neutral mental wellbeing, though they worry about job security and coronavirus exposure at work and among their family and friends.
Business Leadership Insights for Georgia from Fortune CEO Alan Murray
Features, May 07, 2020
“I hear a very different tone among leaders than I did during the last recession,” said Alan Murray, CEO of Fortune Magazine. This and a range of business insights were offered during the May 5th goBeyondProfit CEO Forum featuring Murray in conversation with Frank Blake, retired CEO and Chairman of The Home Depot and current Chair of both Delta Air Lines and Grady Health.
Fortune CEO Alan Murray Joined by Frank Blake as CEO Forum Shifts Online May 5th
Features, April 23, 2020
Fortune CEO Alan Murray will be the featured guest at goBeyondProfit’s CEO Forum planned for May 5, in dialogue with retired The Home Depot CEO and Chairman Frank Blake. The event, previously scheduled as a breakfast gathering, will now be held as an encrypted Zoom video at 11 a.m.
Timely New Research Provides Business Insights into Georgians’ Societal Mindset, Guides Decision-making About Corporate Citizenship
Features, March 31, 2020
Today goBeyondProfit released its second annual Corporate Generosity Research Report which unveils the strong mindset present as Georgia entered COVID-19 upheaval and provides insights to guide business leaders’ decision-making.
Corporate Generosity Research Open to Georgia Business Leaders
Features, February 04, 2020
One year ago, the 2019 Corporate Generosity Research Report conducted by goBeyondProfit and Georgia CEO provided invaluable insights about business leader, employee and customer expectations. Georgia CEOs, Owners and Senior Business Executives are invited to participate in the 2020 survey.
Mentoring as Powerful Corporate Philanthropy? You bet!
Features, January 14, 2020
Hundreds of thousands of food insecure families are less hungry because a few Georgia business leaders chose to mentor one young man with a big idea. How’s that for impact? Many small businesses struggle with how to make real impact in the community.
Simple Year-end Action Allows Businesses to Improve Rural Healthcare without Cost
Features, December 05, 2019
The goBeyondProfit initiative shares Georgia businesses’ interest in understanding the state’s social needs and finding clear and actionable solutions to them. Consequently, it is highlighting a year-end opportunity that allows businesses and individuals to address the crisis in rural healthcare with a simple tax credit contribution that costs them nothing.
Gas South Named Inaugural Recipient of goBeyondProfit Champion Award
Features, October 09, 2019
Today Gas South was named the inaugural winner of the goBeyondProfit Champion Award. This honor is given to companies who exhibit exemplary efforts to benefit their community and company by cultivating company culture, deploying company resources and focusing on community empowerment.
goBeyondProfit’s CEO Forum on Implementing Business Purpose will feature C-Suite Leaders of Georgia Power, Souper Jenny, H.J. Russell & Company, Cox Enterprises and Jackson Healthcare
Features, September 27, 2019
On Wednesday, October 23, the statewide initiative goBeyondProfit will host a CEO Forum featuring five C-Suite leaders on Implementing Purpose in Your Daily Business. The free event is open to all via Facebook Live, and to members in person. The event will be held at Jackson Healthcare on Wednesday, October 23 from 3:30-5 pm.
Picking A Charitable Partner: First Steps to Finding the Best Fit
Features, August 27, 2019
“How do I evaluate which charities are best for my business to support?” Business leaders ask goBeyondProfit this question often, in their quest to find the best charitable partner. Beyond choosing charities by their proximity, relevance to your business and resonance with staff and customers, we wanted to share a few evaluation insights and resources from national and local experts.
Highlights from the goBeyondProfit CEO Forum
Features, August 06, 2019
In Case You Missed It: goBeyondProfit hosted their first ever CEO Forum on April 23rd. Take a moment to watch the highlights of the event which featured a panel with Delta CEO Ed Bastain, AT&T Georgia President Vennesa Harrison, and retired Home Depot CEO Frank Blake.
goBeyondProfit Launches Precedent-setting Award for Corporate Generosity that Demonstrates Both Community and Company Impacts
Features, July 23, 2019
goBeyondProfit initiative, a no-cost resource for business leaders interested in evolving their corporate generosity as a business strategy, has announced a first of its kind award for Georgia business leaders and their Georgia’s companies -- the goBeyondProfit Champion.
Hurricane Season Is Here: Insights into What Georgia Companies Do Best to Help Those in Need
Features, July 18, 2019
Luckily Hurricane Barry’s flooding wasn’t as catastrophic as it might have been, but hurricane season and tropical disturbances are already keeping meteorologists busy as weather forecasters try to prepare us for potential impact, storm damage and flooding.
Current Signs of the Times in Corporate Responsibility: A Conversation with Coxe Curry's Ann W. Cramer
Features, June 26, 2019
The goBeyondProfit team had the privilege to sit with Ann and hear her perspective on trends in Corporate Responsibility. Ann has identified several signs of the time based on the Five Corporate Social Responsibility Trends to Watch in 2019, that are published annually by her friend and colleague Tim McClimon, president of the American Express Foundation.
Small Businesses Gain Big Wins from Community Involvement
Features, May 31, 2019
Strapped and under-resourced small businesses might have the very most to gain from community involvement. Authentic outreach can be a powerful way to expand the company’s relationship network, raise business awareness and build loyalty among customers and employees. goBeyondProfit’s Corporate Generosity Research Report cites that 71 percent of Georgia’s employed adults prefer to buy products from companies who are generous to the community.
Corporate Generosity Research Shows Georgia Businesses are Seen - And Rewarded - As More Generous Than Other States
News, April 18, 2019
New research into corporate generosity shows Georgia businesses are seen by working adults in the state as doing well – 10 percentage points better than other states. But the stakes are consistently higher here, too. In every age group, on every metric, Georgia adults are more likely to factor generosity into employment and purchasing preferences than the U.S. average for their age group.
Corporate Generosity Research Shows Georgia Businesses are Seen - And Rewarded - As More Generous Than Other States
Features, April 12, 2019
New research into corporate generosity shows Georgia businesses are seen by working adults in the state as doing well – 10 percentage points better than other states. But the stakes are consistently higher here, too. In every age group, on every metric, Georgia adults are more likely to factor generosity into employment and purchasing preferences than the U.S. average for their age group.
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