Norfolk Southern Names Claude Mongeau Chair of The Board of Directors

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Wednesday, May 29th, 2024

Norfolk Southern Corporation's (NYSE: NSC) Board of Directors has unanimously appointed Claude Mongeau, former CEO of Canadian National Railway Company, as the independent chair of the board, effective immediately.

Mongeau will serve as chair of the Executive Committee and resign from his positions on the Human Capital Management and Compensation and Safety Committees.

In addition, Francesca A. DeBiase, former executive vice president and global chief supply chain officer of McDonald's Corporation, has been appointed as chair of the Governance and Nominating Committee and Richard H. Anderson, former CEO of Delta Air Lines, has been appointed as chair of the Human Capital Management and Compensation Committee.

The remaining committee chairs will continue in their existing positions. Additional committee membership appointments are available on our website. These appointments are also effective immediately.

Mongeau said, "During this critical time for our storied franchise, I look forward to collaborating with the board and know we all are committed to holding management accountable to deliver on our promises to shareholders. The board has appreciated the engagement with shareholders over the last few months and shares their urgency around enhancing service, improving network operations, and broad-based productivity gains to close the gap with our peers."

DeBiase said, "Norfolk Southern's new directors bring diverse expertise to our board, and we are accelerating the onboarding process so the company can immediately benefit from their valuable perspectives. We are committed to bringing fresh perspectives onto our board, ensuring we're consistently positioned to advance the strategy and deliver results."

Anderson said, "The board is taking the results of our recent Annual Meeting seriously, particularly as it relates to executive compensation. Over the coming months, the Human Capital Management and Compensation Committee will further our ongoing shareholder engagement to help ensure their interests are aligned with our executive compensation program."